Biorefinery: from biomass to energy, fuels and chemicals. The Biorefinery, as paradigm, aims the integral utilization of biomass, in a sustainable way, for the simultaneous production of biofuels, energy, materials and value-added chemicals. Although some installations already exist, which show an emerging reality in this field, It is still required an scientific and technology extensive developments that enable them to overcome the current limitations, to fully meet the challenge of establishing the main development engine of the called Bioeconomy, allowing the feasibility of real industrial installations, similar to those currently existing in the context of petrochemicals, but environmentally sustainable and that generate employment and wealth.
Our research group seeks to put in value the development posibilities associated to the potentially high amount of available biomass in the Iberian Peninsula, being aware that for that it is essential to develop specific technologies, which take into account the strengths and weaknesses of our raw materials and our environment. Currently, one of our priorities is focused on the production of biofuels from waste oil and / or sunflower oil, renewable raw materials most productive in our geographic area, as well as the valorisation of by-products, mainly glycerol, generated in this process.
Our research group seeks to put in value the development posibilities associated to the potentially high amount of available biomass in the Iberian Peninsula, being aware that for that it is essential to develop specific technologies, which take into account the strengths and weaknesses of our raw materials and our environment. Currently, one of our priorities is focused on the production of biofuels from waste oil and / or sunflower oil, renewable raw materials most productive in our geographic area, as well as the valorisation of by-products, mainly glycerol, generated in this process.